I thought I would share my current Works In Progress (WIPs) with you.
First, I started this massive Crochet Along (CAL) back in the winter. While the CAL is finished, mine is still going. I really liked this CAL because I am horrible at blankets. Even when I keep strict count of all my stitches, my blankets turn out to be triangles instead of squares. So, for a few years all I would crochet was hats. I made hats for everyone!!! When a friend of mine showed me this CAL I was so excited to start because it started as a circle in the round (which I can do) and then turned into a square. The inspiration for the colors is my daughter's room. LuLu's room is painted orange and white, and her bed sheets incorporate the orange and white with an array of fun colors. Once this is finally done, it will be a blanket for her bed. Here is the link to the 2015 CAL. It was an amazing journey that taught me so many new stitches and that I can accomplish anything with dedication!!!

My second WIP is growing, literally!!! LuLu and I planted sugar snap peas, cantaloupes, and strawberries. This project came about because LuLu will not eat fruit or vegetables. When trying to entice her to eat anything from these food groups she responds with, "I can't eat that. It will give me diabetes." I have no idea where this idea came from, but when her pediatrician tried to explain the truth to her, LuLu refused to believe her. In addition, I am probably the biggest lover of school you will ever meet!! I love assigned reading, writing papers, doing homework, taking tests, getting grades. I know, crazy, right? But it is all true. When I found Coursera, free, online college classes, I was in HEAVEN!!! I have been taking all kinds of classes (from neurobiology to teaching English as a second classes) all for fun. One of the most thought-provoking classes was all about food production in the US. Well, needless to say, after taking that course I wanted to buy a farm and make all of our food. While that dream is a little too pricey, I thought if LuLu and I tried to grow a few foods this summer it might get LuLu to try eating the dreaded fruit and vegetables if she was a part of the growing process and watched the progress of our first attempt at food production. In addition, small steps are part of the long road to agriculture sustainability.
So, that is what I am currently working on. I will keep you posted on the fruits (both literally and figuratively) of my labor.
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